October 2022 Product Updates

by | Oct 6, 2023 | blog, Product Updates

October 2022 Product Updates

Fully customisable reporting is here!

There are many ways to measure and define the success of your event, so we created the ability for you to choose the data you report on. Now you can narrow down the exact information you need to help you measure success in the way that best suits your goals!


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What does this mean for me? your event reporting just got a whole lot more intuitive!


  1. Report on the metrics you care about most.

    You can now customize, save, and export views in the admin panel, making it easier to report on the metrics that are important to you.

  2. Get data on any event action

    Report on virtually any event action, from abstract submission to session ratings, registration, demographics, and more.

  3. Uncover More About Your Audience

    Filter and segment your report data by attendee type to uncover information and trends about your audience.

  4. Create Data Views Based on Your Goals

    Choose your own criteria and conditions (what you want or don’t want) to see in your views and reports based on your reporting and event goals.

Other recent platform updates:

  1. Easily measure poll participation.

    New poll percentages allow you to easily view participation rates and prompt attendees to complete the poll.

  2. Resend tax invoices in just a few Clicks

    You can now easily resend group tax invoices without the manual work!

  3. View Speaker Registrations Status

    Easily see whether or not a speaker is registered for the event so you can resend their invitation if needed.


Have questions? Click here to contact our team or speak with your account manager.

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